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Mornings with Dave and Kim

Weekdays, 5 - 10am

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Single Men Say Living With A Cat Makes Not Being In A Relationship Easier!

HA. This is me 100%! – Producer Dan

A study of single men who own pets has come to the conclusion that having a pet makes being single easier!

25% of single men think their pet makes not being in a relationship easier.

Another 29% think their cat is good to talk to – and almost 50% tends to believe that their pet helps keep them calm.

10% say their cat worked as a counselor during an emotional breakup! Jonny Gould, CEO for pet well being firm Itchpet.com which worked on the study, said: “The news comes as a blow for man’s best friend, with a quarter of single men going as far as to say cats are on their way to usurping dogs from their throne.