ELO fans are pinching themselves with the November 1st release of From Out Of Nowhere: the second new original album by leader Jeff Lynne in only two years. The group’s last set, Alone In The Universe, came a whopping 14 years since Lynne’s last batch of new songs, Zoom.
During a new chat with Mojo, Lynne was asked about the speed in which the projects have been realized, saying, “I think it must have something to do with me enjoying playing live again. It’s been fantastic. I’ve had more fun these last five years doing music than I ever had before, in the old days of touring. It’s so much fun to tour now because everything sounds so much better. We’ve got the right equipment, we’ve got a nice 13-piece band and they’re all great musicians. I’m just chuffed to be in the band, really!”
Once again, Lynne is not only behind the board in the producer’s chair, but is operating the “Orchestra” as a one man band: “Yes, you can always believe your credits. I do play everything. Everything except tambourine and shakers. I let (engineer) Steve (Jay) do that, because he’s really good at them. (Laughs) I don’t know why that’s funny, but it just is. I’m sorry. Well, he loves doing ’em anyway. And I like listening to him do ’em.”
When pressed as to whether he sees the new album as a swan song of sorts, Lynne was quick to point out he’ll be quitting the road before putting his studio in mothballs: “If anything, it would be one great last tour. That’s what that song was really about. Going out to play one more time, and then packing it in. I’ve no idea — they keep coming at us with these giant offers for stadiums in Europe and all-sorts. And I’m going, ‘Hang on a bit, I was only gonna do this for a minute or two. Suddenly I’m in a full-time job.’ (Laughs) Knackered! Music’s the best. There’s no doubt about it. It’s just the most fun you can have. So I’ll keep doing it until I get fed up with it, or it gets fed up with me.”