You won’t be getting free ice cream on the usual day this year… at least not from Ben & Jerry’s. The company has announced that it will be postponing its annual Free Cone Day due to guidelines surrounding the novel coronavirus outbreak.
The company writes on its website, “Free Cone Day is our favorite day of the year. It’s a special time to thank fans for their love with free fairtrade ice cream all around the world. This year, some of our scoop shops in communities around the world will be unable to take part in Free Cone Day due to precautions put in place by local Governments around large public gatherings, considering the increasing presence of COVID-19.”
The precautions have specifically been put in place in areas like Seattle and Oregon due to the threat of coronavirus transmission, and the brand says it hopes to reschedule the event for later this year, and fans can watch their website and social media channels for updates.