Greg Brown

Weekdays, 10am - 3pm

Happy Birthday Sean Connery!! – Here’s 5 Sean Connery Movies you can celebrate with

Sean Connery has been gracing cinema with his distinct presence for decades and in that time has starred in so many fantastic and memorable movies.  From James Bond to Dr. Henry Jones Sr. to SAS Captain John Patrick Mason, there’s so many memorable performances this action and drama star has given.

It’s difficult to choose his best, but here are 5 films (in no particular order) to celebrate this actor with on his birthday (August 25th) or any other day really!

Goldfinger (1964) – Let’s face it, it’s not a controversial opinion to say that Sean Connery was THE BEST James Bond.  Kicking off the craze with Dr. No and taking to the skies with his jetpack in the iconic Thunderball…  But, Goldfinger is the one that stands just above the rest as the quintessential James Bond film.  In the movie, Bond takes on iconic villains, the titular Goldfinger and the unforgettable bench, Oddjob.  From wits to class, Connery shines as James Bond in this film that features everything great about the everlasting franchise.

The Hunt for Red October (1990) – Alec Baldwin may be playing Tom Clancy‘s iconic character, Jack Ryan, but you remember this film for Sean Connery‘s Marko Ramius.  Yes, it’s a Scottish guy playing a Russian, but after you see this movie, you can’t imagine anyone but Connery in the role.  In this Cold War era thriller, Ramius, a brilliant Soviet Submarine commander, goes renegade with the nuclear-armed sub while being tracked by both Soviet forces and the American government.  This is a trill ride lead by Connery that keeps you on the edge of your seat, with twists and turns throughout.

The Untouchables (1987) – File this one under great Chicago film as well as one of Sean Connery’s best.  Connery teams up with Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness who leads the titular team, The Untouchables: a group of officers fed up with police corruption in the 1930.  This team goes up against Chicago’s greatest crime lord, Al Capone played by Robert Dinero.  While Connery plays a supporting role in this film as Jimmy Malone, Connery steals so many scenes in this movie and gets you cheering on The Untouchables in their fight to save Chicago.  You can currently rent this movie on YouTube.

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989) – This is Sean Connery’s movie as much as it is Harrison Ford‘s movie.  And, that’s saying A LOT since this is an INDIANA JONES movie.  My personal favorite of the original trilogy: Indiana Jones is finally paired up with someone with as much charisma and presence as himself… his dad!  The two share an unforgettable adventure with so much action and laughs in this epic movie.  Connery OWNS this role as Dr. Henry Jones Sr. as we get to see a lot of what made Indy, Indy.  Or, should I say what made Henry Jones Jr. into Indiana Jones, since apparently, they, “Named the DOG, Indiana!”

The Rock (1996) – You have Ed Harris in one of the best bad-guy roles since Hans Gruber, you have an action hero played Nicholas Cage trying to stop him and yet Sean Connery comes on top of everything in this awesome action film.  Arguably director Michael Bay‘s best movie (and some might say only really good movie) The Rock was a perfect storm movie stars, explosions, action and fun.  Connery’s John Patrick Mason is recruited by Cage‘s FBI Special Agent Dr. Stanley Goodspeed to break into Alcatraz to stop a rouge group of U.S. Force Recon Marines led by Ed Harris’ Brigadier General Frank Hummel who have taken over 80 hostages and are threatening to fire deadly rockets at San Fransisco.  This buddy/action movie is SO FUN and the action is really great with many one-liners you’ll be repeating after you watch this film (Connery says something about winners and a Prom Queen…).
