The 25 BEST vampire movies EVER

Are you up for a good vampire movie? has a list of the 25 best.  I’m happy to report that not a single “Twilight” movie made the cut!

They’re not ranked, just listed in chronological order.  Check ’em out!  Did your favorite make the list??

1.  “Nosferatu”  (1922)

2.  “Dracula”  (1931)  (The Bela Lugosi classic.)

3.  “Vampyr”  (1932)

4.  “Dracula’s Daughter”  (1936)

5.  “Horror of Dracula”  (1958)  (Christopher Lee‘s first Dracula flick.)

6.  “Let’s Scare Jessica to Death”  (1971)

7.  “Blacula”  (1972)

8.  “The Blood Spattered Bride”  (1972)

9.  “Ganja & Hess”  (1973)

10.  “Nosferatu the Vampyre”  (1979)  (A remake of the 1922 flick.)

11.  “The Hunger”  (1983)

12.  “Fright Night”  (1985)

13.  “The Lost Boys”  (1987)

14.  “Near Dark”  (1987)

15.  “Vampire’s Kiss”  (1989)  (Nicolas Cage at perhaps his most unhinged.)

16.  “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”  (1992)

17.  “Cronos”  (1993)  (Guillermo del Toro‘s first film.)

18.  “Interview with the Vampire”  (1994)

19.  “The Addiction”  (1995)

20.  “Blade”  (1998)

21.  “Let the Right One In”  (2008)

22.  “Thirst”  (2009)

23.  “Only Lovers Left Alive”  (2013)

24.  “What We Do in the Shadows”  (2014)

25.  “A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night”  (2014)
