Billionaires in SPAAAAACE!! Richard Branson went to space

You have an enormous amount of wealth that you’ll never be able to spend in your life-time… what do you do?  The obvious answer to anyone would be give all those who helped build that wealth of yours, and continue to maintain and grow it, a raise.  But, that’s not the popular social media trend for billionaires these days.

The wealthiest of Americans are currently investing their money on a space race.  And it looks like Richard Branson just took the lead: basically becoming the first guy to build his own rocket and blast himself into orbit.

At 71, he’s also the second-oldest guy in space.  John Glenn was 77 when he went up on the shuttle in 1998.

Branson’s Virgin Galactic flight went 53 miles above the New Mexico desert, achieving weightlessness for three to four minutes.  The ship had five other crew members.

Branson was originally supposed to go up later this summer, but he moved his flight up after Jeff Bezos announced HE was going up there on July 20th.  Branson claims he was NOT trying to outdo Bezos, but… ya know, totally not a measuring contest.

Bezos sent his congratulations to Branson on Instagram and said, quote, “Can’t wait to join the club.”

Branson live-streamed the event with Stephen Colbert serving as master of ceremonies, and Khalid performing his new single, “New Normal”.

Hollywood Reporter
