Mornings with Dave and Kim

Weekdays, 5 - 10am

Studio Line: (312) 922-9470

Leap Babies a.k.a “Leaplings” born in Chicagoland yesterday

As the shoppers search the web for Leap Day deals, hospitals have been busy welcoming “leaplings.”

Leap Day, Feb. 29 is a correction to counter the fact that Earth’s orbit isn’t precisely 365 days a year. It comes around every four years.

The chances of being born on a Leap Day are only one in 1,461 or .068%.

Babies born on Leap Day are referred to as “leaplings” or “leapers.”

Less than .1% of the population share a leap day birthday.

In Oklahoma, one leaping celebrated her 25th birthday which in reality was her 100th!