Brian Peck


Best job EVER? Mattress company is hiring ‘sleep interns’ who have to sleep 9 hours a night

This just might be the perfect job! Wakefit, an Indian company that sells mattresses and other sleep products, is looking to hire “sleep interns” so it can better understand sleep patterns. If you land the job a mattress and fitness tracker will be sent to your home. The job lasts seven nights a week for 100 nights, and you’ll be paid about $1,400.

To qualify you’ll need to have a degree in any field, be able to fall asleep within 20 minutes of getting into bed, and be able to stay in bed for at least nine hours of sleep. You’ll also have to record and analyze your sleep patterns. The company says the ideal candidate will not log much screentime, won’t consume much caffeine, and will blissfully ignore phone notifications at night. You can apply by visiting

