The newest thing we’re buying like crazy is HOUSEPLANTS. It’s not clear why. Maybe we need something to take care of right now or we’ve realized our Zoom backgrounds are just really boring.
So, will we actually keep all these plants alive, or will they wither and die? A recent survey found that for almost half of us, the prospects aren’t great. 30% of Americans admitted they’re BAD at keeping plants alive. And another 13% weren’t sure. So that’s 43% who don’t seem too confident. 57% said they’re at least “somewhat” capable, including 1 in 5 people who think they’re “very good” at taking care of plants.
Anyway, my orchids are looking pretty gorgeous right now!
Orchids are the one flower that I don’t mess up. Lol! They are not only beautiful, they’re easy maintenance. – Brian Peck
Posted by 94.7 WLS-FM on Thursday, April 16, 2020