Brian Peck


The Creator of the sitcom “The Goldbergs” says “Goonies 2” will happen

If you’re still waiting for a “Goonies 2”, here’s a ray of hope for you: Adam Goldberg says he wrote a script for the sequel, and believes it WILL happen.  And he’s probably the right guy to do it, since he created “The Goldbergs”, which is basically just a love letter to the ’80s.

Goldberg claims he had a meeting scheduled with original director Richard Donner, but it got canceled due to the coronavirus.  Once everything returns to normal though, he promises the movie will get made.

Recently, in a Zoom reunion of Steven Spielberg and the cast of The Goonies on Josh Gad‘s Youtube series, Spielberg said a sequel is possible…  You can check out more on there here.
