Brian Peck


Get ready to look up and check out 2 meteor showers

If the weather cooperates this week, space enthusiasts could catch a glimpse of two meteor showers. The Delta Aquariid is set to peak now through tomorrow (July 29th) and the Alpha Capricornid meteor shower is set to give its biggest show on Thursday (July 30th.) AccuWeather notes that your best chance for a “celestial double feature” would be tonight (July 28th), with prime viewing after 1AM.

The American Meteor Society says the Delta Aquariids will be active through August 23rd, while the Capricornid meteors will continue through August 15th. To see either, experts recommend finding a piece of sky with little light pollution, laying down (flat or in a reclining chair) and gazing toward the southern horizon, giving your eyes less than 30 minutes to adjust.

