These are the best words to guess first in Wordle according to a Linguist

It seems almost everyone is playing the game Wordle—a word game. For the game, users must first enter a real word five-letters-long, and then the game indicates if you have entered any of the letters used in the word of the day by highlighting letters in green (indicating it’s the correct letter in the correct position) or yellow (indicating it’s a correct letter but in the wrong position in the word). A player then has five more guesses to guess the word of the day.

Now TikTok user @linguisticdiscovery has shared his personal recommendation as to what players should input as to their first guess: “Irate.” Computer scientist @crvlwanek also developed code that produced the top 10 best first guess words to put into Wordle, and he claims the best first word to input is “Later” followed by “Alter,” “Alert,” “Arose,” then “Irate”, followed by “Stare,” “Arise,” “Raise,” “Learn,” and “Renal.” 

@crvlwanek #stitch with @linguisticdiscovery Different method, similar results! #wordle #linguistics #computerscience #python ♬ original sound – Chris

Source: Elite Daily
