The Grossest Words in English Include “Pus,” “Phlegm,” “Seepage,” and “Moist”

Preply looked at different polls on gross-sounding words and came up with a master list of the GROSSEST words in the English language. 

Here are the top ten:

1.  “Pus.” 

2.  “Phlegm”

3.  “Seepage.” 

4.  “Moist”

5.  “Splooge”

6.  “Fester”

7.  “Mucus”

8.  “Ooze”

9.  “Putrid”

10.  “Curd.”

A few more that ranked high were:  “Discharge,” “Loogie,” “Secrete,” “Diarrhea,” “Snot” and “Congeal.” 

Sources: Huff Post / Ranker / InYourArea
