Erin Carman

Weekdays, 10 - 3pm

Professional Power Slapping is now a Cable TV Sport

UFC boss Dana White is bringing his new Power Slap league to TBS, beginning in January.

If your friendly neighborhood algorithms haven’t exposed you to slapping competitions yet, the concept is pretty simple:

Two people stand toe-to-toe and take turns slapping the bejesus out of each other.

They keep doing it until someone gets knocked out… or if that doesn’t happen, there’s a point system after a certain number of rounds.

Scoring is based on a striker’s effectiveness, along with the defender’s reaction and recovery time.

Jim Bain, left, playing the part of J.D. Drew, slaps the face of Joel Brahim, playing the part of Benny Perkins, during a break in the contest, after the two make a pack to keep each other awake during the contest. The cast of Hands On a Hardbody held a dress rehearsal Monday evening, August 29, 2022 at the Ocala Civic Theatre. The musical kicks off the 2022-23 season and runs from September 1st-18th. The musical is based on a truck give away at the Floyd King Nissan dealership in Longview, Texas. The rules are simple. All you have to do is keep at least one hand on the truck for the duration of the contest. Breaks are 15 minutes every six hours. The contest ends when one champion is left standing. [Doug Engle/Ocala Star Banner]2022 Oca Handsonahardbody © Doug Engle / USA TODAY NETWORK

