Tag Archives: Chicago’s largest pet-friendly event

Do you and your four-legged fur face have plans this weekend?

Grab your leash and your poop bags…it’s time for the 18th Annual PAWS Chicago 5K Walk/Run to benefit homeless animals this Sunday in Montrose Harbor…Chicago’s largest pet-friendly event.

This is my Hudson. I adopted her from PAWS one year ago and she is the light of my life. She makes me smile every single day and each day I see her become more like me…poor thing. Clumsy and snuggly…that’s my girl.

So bring your Hudson…Bailey, Allie, Ralph or Fluffy..to Montrose Harbor Sunday and walk for the dogs, cats, puppies and kittens that don’t have their forever home yet.

And after the race, pose for the Pupparazzi or grab a doggie massage.

Oh, and to the jerkface in Washington Square Park who didn’t clean up after what I can only guess is a dog the size of a T-Rex…you owe me a new pair of shoes!
