After remodeling the museum, these illusions should be amazing! -Dave and Kim… MORE
After remodeling the museum, these illusions should be amazing! -Dave and Kim… MORE
Halloween is OVER! Get ready for Christmas!!! -Dave and Kim… MORE
Fortunately, the giant frog won’t be there to freak out the stoners! -Dave and Kim… MORE
The Bears are now 1-1 with Tyson Bagent as their starter. -Dave and Kim… MORE
Free money is always a good thing! You’re welcome for the tip. -Dave and Kim… MORE
You might want to stay away from these candies this year. Or don’t. We’re not your parents… -Dave and Kim… MORE
These patients got really creative with their outfits this year! -Dave and Kim… MORE
3pm to 7pm would be the suggested times for trick-or-treating in Chicagoland. Just don’t go to a house at 11pm expecting someone to give you candy. -Dave and Kim… MORE
Maybe it’s time to go out and buy a lotto ticket! -Dave and Kim… MORE
Wait. There WASN’T a Portillo’s in Cicero already??? -Dave and Kim… MORE