You’ll be saying “Go Clubs! Go!” to your equipment this July. -Dave and Kim… MORE
You’ll be saying “Go Clubs! Go!” to your equipment this July. -Dave and Kim… MORE
We can do more than just see the animals at Brookfield Zoo this summer. -Dave and Kim… MORE
The man sold almost $1 million in Sox tickets and and unknown amount of Cubs hats. -Dave and Kim… MORE
Just a heads up to leave for work a little earlier! -Dave and Kim… MORE
One of the many Chicago festivals that are expanding this year. -Dave and Kim… MORE
Downtown will be very active this July! -Dave and Kim… MORE
A very impressive feat from a local Chicago student. -Dave and Kim… MORE
One of the signs you know that summer is here in Chicago! -Dave and Kim… MORE
The festival starts next Friday and goes until October 6th. -Dave and Kim… MORE
Time to dust off some of those old tapes! -Dave and Kim… MORE