Tag Archives: Geoffrey the Giraffe

This Toys “R” Us picture has captioned my childhood…



How sad is that?? It feels like someone is punching you right in your childhood heart! (ugly crying face emoji)

When I was a kid, going to Toys “R” Us was the greatest reward for being good that my parents could dangle in front of us. We must have been a nightmare running from aisle to aisle picking up each and every toy, pushing every noisy button and begging in our whiniest voices “Mommmmmyyy pleeeeease can you buy that for me!”

But when I went back as an adult with my 6-year oild niece to buy her her first Easy-Bake Oven it filled my heart to see the pure joy she found in going to Toys “R” Us.

It’s sad to see such a big piece of so many childhoods say goodbye (ugly crying face emoji..again)

So long Geoffrey! You can come live in my backyard.

And here’s the final message from Toys “R” Us to remind you to ALWAYS keep the child inside you forever alive…


“Thanks to each of you who shared your amazing journey to (and through) parenthood with us, and to every grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother and sister who’s built a couch-cushion rocket ship, made up a hero adventure, or invented something goeey. Promise us just this one thing: Don’t ever grow up. Play on!”