Tag Archives: portillo’s

Portillo’s beats out McDonald’s for Best Value in Fast Food

Chicago cult-favorite fast food chain Portillo’s was just named best value in the business, reportedly besting global bigs like McDonald’s in an influential new survey — and they’re doing it without “going on sale” like their competitors, executives at the Chicago dog and chocolate cake shake concern boasted.

As the Golden Arches attempts to overcome inflation-era customer fatigue by pumping out the so-called McValues, Portillo’s, known for a relatively short menu of Windy City street food faves, prefers the love us or leave us approach, QSR Magazine reported.

“Portillo’s does not play the discount game,” CEO Michael Osanloo said.

“We compete on great everyday pricing for our cravable food and abundant portions, and we know this approach will benefit us in the medium and long term,” he emphasized.

The move appears to be paying off — in a somewhat sprawling study of the restaurant business conducted by global investment banking and asset management firm William Blair, the Italian beef sandwich seller scored the highest, or 3.575 out of 5, when it came to value proposition.

What started out as a few stores in Chicagoland has grown to a 90-location network nationwide, stretching from California to Florida, with more stores on the way, according to the company.

And while they may not be interested in any quick wins when it comes to pricing, there’s a focus on loyalty that winds up delivering long-term affordability, Eat This, Not That reported.